Qi-Touch allows the body to give us the answers that the mind sometimes can’t.
When cognitive shifts are feeling sticky, we can use the body to help the mind get on board.
Sometimes a trauma (for example) is too hard to talk about - or the mind doesn’t even remember… but the body does.
Sometimes an event which we thought was insignificant (on an intellectual level) actually had a major impact in forming our body’s memory.
Qi-Touch allows us to move the imbalances caused by these events through, without the mind needing to identify the story attached to it.
Qi-Touch is a bodywork practice that identifies blocks in the body which are causing the presentation of an emotional, psychological or physical disruption.
Using gentle touch along the meridian system, we will bring your body back into balance and integrate a new harmonized state.
The balance techniques are a combination of acupressure, kinesiology acupressure holding, Jin Shin Juytsu®, trigger point therapy, cranio-sacral, bio-dynamics, foot reflexology and other modalities researched, experienced and organized in specific sequences.
Qi-Touch Healing [also called Integrated Touch balance (ITb), or HealingTouchITb] was developped by Marguerite Wetton, a South African gifted therapist who has been practicing for 40yrs.
Deepen & Support
Qi-Touch healing uses principles from Chinese, Ayurvedic and Western medicine.
We will establish a goal and work from a negative state to a positive state by holding a nourishing series of acupressure points on the body, while listening to soothing vocal prompts.
Your body will be subtly guided from an old story to a new one.
By working on the body first, mental shifts become easier, because the body already believes the new story.